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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Riots, mass attacks and no law enforcement.....

We talked about civil disturbances awhile back. When we did the post focused on what could be called "run of the mill" disturbances. You know after a sports team wins a game (never understood that) or a single event happens which causes a one time event. Here is a link to the earlier post. review it if you have time.

The earlier post focused on just leaving the area for the most part. Why? Because this is the easiest and simplest action to take in order to ensure you make it home. When the original post was written things seemed to be a bit different then they are now. Recently people have had to deal with situations which are not spontaneous or unorganized.

We are not going to dive into the right or wrong aspect of anything which is going on with this post. Those discussions can take place elsewhere. What we are going to look at is what is going on. Social media is being used by people to organize what they call protest but more and more are likely to turn into acts of violence. We need to have a plan if we are caught up in the violence. Hopefully anyone reading this would not be one of the people committing the violence! Yet we do need to understand we can become caught up in the violence.

Let's just get to the point, most of the violence going on in the U.S. right now, is driven by politics. Folks on both sides are worked up and they just keep having issues. Problem is people are in a place right now they feel their side is justified in committing violence against the other side. (notice I ain't picking a side? Not the point of this!) Only in a few occasions can we really say violence is justified and a disagreement on politics is not one of them!!!! 

Recently people have been planning ahead of time on causing issues during a protest. There are even cases of people using social media in what can only be described as "mob rule" to quickly organize protest and violence. An event takes place recently and people are swarming to protest. Take this incident in California. (I am not judging the Officer one way or the other. This is just an example of what has happen and seems to be happening more.)

With in hours a mob formed at the Officers home! Not at City Hall or somewhere else you might expect these kinds of demonstrations to form. This happened in a residential neighborhood. These "protestors" thought it was within their rights to take over the neighborhood. They set up public announcement systems, gave speeches, spray painted slogans on people's houses and destroyed other people's personal property. Why? Because when the village grabs torches and pitchforks they find safety in numbers. Especially if the mob tells them they are justified in what they are doing. 

Imagine you are sitting at home and suddenly the mob shows up at your house because your neighbor has supposedly done something the mob disagrees with. Think it can not happen? It did in this neighborhood.

Officers had to surround the house in this neighborhood after the "protesters" decided it was a good idea to seek revenge by throwing rocks through the homes windows and vandalizing the cars parked in front of the home. Sad part is they had the wrong house at first and vandalized the home of a person not involved in the original situation. 

Organizers had to tell the mob they had the wrong house.......... 

This fella set up a PA system and started pumping the mob up. When he was asked about the wrong house being targeted and the violence he was not really too upset about innocent people having property damage or their rights violated. To him the actions were not what they were supposedly there for but he seemed to be okey dokey with what happen......

This incident is just a small scale example which seems to be taking place nation wide. Giving rise to the odds of one of us being caught up in a situation like this through no action of our own. 

When the mob rules you must be prepared for a situation where the police are not going to be in position to help you. Why? Because in most cases the police are outnumbered. Recently the police have been officially and unofficially told to allow the protest to take place. The reasons for which are better addressed else where. The point is you have to take charge of yourself and those you care about. 

In the U.S. we have a special ability to gather and protest what we dislike. No really my fellow Americans in other countries people can not assembly as we can here........ Nothing wrong with joining a protest, march or gathering to voice your ideas with like minded folks. 

When people start expressing the need to turn to violence you might want to start thinking about distancing yourself from the event. Do not allow yourself to become part of the mob! Remember the people you see as the "enemy" have rights also. Those stores people break into are owned by people who have rights. People traveling have a right to not be stopped. At no point do you have a right to attack others because they do not believe or see the world the same way you do! NO! You can not call them a name and then use that as an excuse to attack them, regardless of how much you dislike them. Period! 

We want others to treat us the way we would like to be treated. Remember they have rights and every action has a reaction. 

When the situation has deteriorated to this the time to go has already passed and you are behind the power curve. 

When something like this happens you know it is time to go. 

If you wait till this part...... well we need to discuss your decision making skills. No matter how fun, exciting or exhilarating you find the situation just leave if any violence begins or Law Enforcement says it is time to go. 

And if these........ (can't say anything nice about them) show up it is a really good idea to leave. Why? They are the embodiment of mob mentality and a crystal clear indication the event is going to turn violent. Why? Because that is the only reason these (insert insult) are there. Here is an example of what we are discussing. The report covers the violence, lack of police response and the need of folks to look after themselves.

Here is another incident.

Why do I think it is important to show some of these videos? Because we should look at what is happening with the best aids we can. Nothing better than seeing with your own eyes what is going on.

We could spend a lot of time talking about the effects of mob mentality but that would take to long on here. Let's move past just not being there or leaving at the first sign of trouble. The next thing we should consider is the 'pack mentality' of a mob or any predatory animal.

What? Are you calling these protesters predatory animals?

Yes. Look at their behavior, not the cause they claim to be supporting. Look how they act, maneuver and attack the prey. You do not see to many stand up fist fights going on do you? You do see people attacking others from behind the cover of the mob, from the back and ambushing their victims. The same way animals attack their prey. Never seen a lion just walk up to a gazelle and kill it. No they attack from a position of advantage. They attack from ambush. They attack in groups.

Watch they way these wild dogs attack these hyena. They use the cover of the mob. They attack from behind. They try to ambush their prey from the sides.

Now watch the videos of the violent protesters. Drop all the other labels you might want to put on the people involved, nobody is talking about who is right or wrong. We are discussing behavior of the group or the behavior of the mob.

People will chase you if you give them your back. This behavior is somehow embedded in our wiring. Somewhere in our brains lay the ideas the animals still use to survive. Given the right circumstances we let these instincts take over.

Notice in this picture how everyone chasing this guy is angling to attack him from behind? No? Draw some lines to the prey and you can see where each of the predators are planning on attacking. In most cases turning your back to an attacker, group or mob is a bad idea! Everyone wants to increase their odds of surviving the attack, even the attacker. The predator tries to attack from the most advantage position. Attacking from the rear or sides gives the attacker the best position to attack from because the preys weapons (hands, feet, claws, teeth) are pointed away from the predator. Attacking in a group spreads out the chances of one predator being injured.

Now watch the video again. This time take a moment to see how the hyena are attacking, we will wait..................... 🙂🙂🙂............ Ok now think how the hyena counter the attacks. You might want to watch the video again. No you should watch the video again, I insist. But this time pay close attention to the tactics used by the hyena to survive. Remember these creatures are not playing, they are not passing out what they consider "justice", they are engaged in a life and death struggle. The same as you are when cornered like these creatures. Think not? You could easily be killed, maimed or sustain permanent injuries in one of these encounters.

What was the first thing the hyena did? They got out of the ambush zone. They fled while trying not to give their backs to their attackers. Notice the dogs came at them every time they had a shot at the hyenas backs. If you are caught in this type of situation movement and not giving your back to the attackers is vitally important to you making it home. When confronted with the preys weapons the predators hesitate and give the hyenas time to move.

Using the terrain is the next thing you see the hyenas utilize. They find some piece of terrain which protects them from an attack coming from behind them. The bush also helps to funnel the dogs to the front, where the hyenas can use their tools.

Notice the hyenas use the bush and go back to back. This cuts down greatly on the area one hyena has to protect. See how they are working together to defend each other. Even given their limited numbers they have taken a tactical superior position to that of their attackers. They in effect have 360 degree coverage even if each of them is only physically having to watch what 30 degrees? Limiting the area they have to watch makes it much easier for them to defend against a numerical superior force. The funneling effect makes it difficult for the attackers to use their larger numbers to attack from multiple angles at the same time.

Why don't the dogs just charge and overwhelm the hyena? Because the dogs realize the hyena will hurt them! They realize there is a chance they could die if they just charge in. Nobody wants to be the one who is hurt or killed when the situation is not just fun and games. You must understand you have to be willing to use violence to defend yourself. When the hyena bite they are not doing it to scare away their attackers. If they could they would hurt, disable, maim or kill their attackers with each bite and the dogs know it. If you are ever in a position like this you have to make the predators understand they will be hurt, disabled, maimed or killed if they attack you! Yes you have to be mentally prepared to kill another person. Only by giving off this 'vibe' will the attackers realize this is not a game. Here is the video again so you do not have to scroll back up if you want to view it again. I suggest you do.

Notice how the dogs try to get the hyenas to come away from their position? Notice how the hyena do not? If you can find a tactical superior position do not get caught up in fighting someone. Do not allow emotions or ego to cause you to give the position up. This what the predators want you to do. They do not want to risk injury, your position gives you to many advantages and they want you to move to a position where they have the advantage. Do not let your ego cause you to give up the position or your emotions to overwhelm you to not be able to do what you need to survie!

See how the dogs become...... I am not sure they feel the same emotions but.... the only word I can think of is bored. They realize they are not going to have an easy victory here. Slowly they start to focus on something else. Which leads to the pack walking away.

The hyenas leave when the threat is a safe distance away. Let me say that again. THE HYENA LEAVE when the threat is a safe distance away. You do not see the hyena trying to run out and regain their manhood by attacking the dogs. You do not see them yapping at the dogs. One of them turns and starts putting space between her/himself and the predators. The video ends before we see the second one go. If it is time to go take all of your group with you at one time.

I did not intend to make this entire post about a group of dogs attacking two hyena yet when I was looking for videos to express the points I am trying to make this one seemed to fit the bill perfectly. There are more actions you can take, more situations or variables which can come into play during an encounter. I wanted to focus on just these ideas with this post.

First thing, do not put yourself in this situation to begin with.
Second, be willing to leave if things start to go south.
Third, if you are caught up and singled out as a target do not turn into helpless prey. Move away while trying to protect your back, turning and running encourages the predator.
Fourth, utilize terrain to slow down, disrupt, protect your back/flanks and to funnel your opposition to your weapons or tools.
Fifth, be willing to hurt others to defend yourself. This does not mean be a loud shit talker. This means let them know by your stance, vibe and actions there will be a price to pay for attacking you.
Sixth, only give up a tactical superior position when the situation has changed to a point where it is safe to do so.
Last one..... DO NOT LET YOUR EGO CAUSE YOU TO CHASE THE PREDATORS ONCE THEY ARE LEAVING!! This means either physically try to chase them or verbally chase them. Do not reengage the predators once they have decided something else is more worth their efforts or more interesting.

More and more often violence is taking place at rallies or gatherings of any kind. Going blindly into the crowd and just having a good time might lead you to being a unwilling victim to someone else's idea of justified violence. I am not saying you shouldn't take part in these gatherings. What I am saying is have situational awareness, be mentally prepared if something happens, take action when you need to and be able to keep your emotions in check to allow you the ability to make positive decisions in the situation you find yourself. Fellas, when things go south check your fucking ego and do what you need to get home!!!

As Aways,

Stay Safe!

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