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Sunday, December 07, 2014


With the holidays quickly approaching we need to do a little planning to give and get some stuff. We should be planning on buying items for our family and friends which could help them and asking for items which could help us. Now I'm not saying to ask for twenty years of dehydrated food or to build a bunker in the backyard. Let's look and ask for items with dual purposes. Things we can use in our normal everyday life and put to service if things go bad.

Tools are an easy one. Everyone should have tools around the house, not a giant rolling tool box you could fix the space shuttle with but a basic set of tools for making minor repairs. Hammer, screw driver, tape measure and a saw are things everyone should have. Either in the garage maybe closet or a drawer in your apartment. One item you can give and ask for this holiday season is a Leatherman. They range in price but most of us do not need one with a thousand gadgets on it, just one to help us around the house.

Swiss Army knives come in all sorts of configurations and prices. Some of the lower priced ones are great stocking stuffers especially smaller ones which can be attached to key rings, attached to a zipper on a bag or to the key hook inside of a pocket which comes with every bag now days.

A good pair or two of wool socks. They are great for cold nights snuggled up on the couch and could really come in handy during a bad day. Should you suddenly find yourself without heat in the house or stuck outside for some reason you will be thankful to have wool socks!!! Even wet they are warmer then regular cotton socks!

Add some decent gloves, beanie and a jacket to items you can ask for or give during the holidays. All of these things work great day to day and are a must have if suddenly you are in a bad situation. We can also think about thermal undergarments for our loved ones and you. Even some thick PJs or a night shirt should be thought about. Buy the family that set of matching PJs you have always wanted!! Yes you have to take the group photo!!!

Ask for or give some caste iron pots and pans. They have the 'old school' look about them and can quickly be put to use during a situation. Buying them before you 'need' them also give you time to learn how to cook with cast iron, they work a little different than what you might be used to.

Might be a good time to ask for a new BBQ? Maybe you do not have one, now would be a good time to pick one up since this is not the season for them and they are cheap! Maybe ask for a smoker to learn something new or get a deep fryer to add to your abilities? Bundles of spices, utensils and other assorted items for cooking outdoors are gifts we can give and receive which will be useful during a bad day.

The idea is to pick up a few items which you can use but not to ruin the holiday by having everyone thinking about the end of the world as we know it or the zombies invading to eat everyone's brains. Really, when was the last time a group of zombies attacked? You might see one here or there but they are not really team players.

Remember the holiday season is about family, friends, being thankful for what you have, helping others and having a celebration during the winter season to remind us better things are ahead! Now make a list, buy things not emergency related, give some gifts and enjoy yourself!!!

As always,

Stay Safe.

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